Highlight: Measuring SDGs
Implementing the material footprint to measure progress towards Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 12.
Our paper in Nature Sustainability describes the development of GLORIA (Global Resource Input-Output Assessment), a Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) database that was built using our IELab infrastructure, for the UN International Resource Panel (UN IRP) in the context of the update of the material footprint accounts forming part of the UN IRP Material Flows Database. To exploit synergies between different UNEP initiatives, it was decided to use GLORIA also as underlying MRIO model for the UN-commissioned Sustainable Consumption and Production Hotspots Analysis Tool (SCP-HAT)
The GLORIA MRIO database now includes not only the material footprint, but a wide range of other environmental, economic and social indicators.
More resources:
- Our article about the launch of SCP-HAT and GLORIA
- GLORIA in the IELab: https://ielab.info/labs/ielab-gloria
- SCP-HAT: https://scp-hat.org/
- Polarizing and equalizing trends in international trade and Sustainable Development Goals
For academic enquiries regarding GLORIA, please email arunima.malik@sydney.edu.au or manfred.lenzen@sydney.edu.au. For commercial enquiries, please contact FootprintLab.
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