Population Studies

Living means consuming, and consuming causes resource depletion and environmental degradation, but also creation of jobs and income. The consumption habits of people across Australia and the world differ substantially, and so do the associated social, environmental and economic impacts.

At the University of Sydney we have carried out a number of population studies on environmental effects, such as

Energy requirement (in Gigajoules) per capita for Sydney Statistical Subdivisions
Energy requirement (in Gigajoules) per capita for Sydney Statistical Subdivisions

In order to visualise impacts spatially, we had drafted an atlas that illustrated the distribution of contributions to social and environmental impacts across the Statistical Subdivisions of the City of Sydney.

For further information contact us for the following journal articles:

  • Lenzen M, Wier M, Cohen C, Hayami H, Pachauri S, and Schaeffer R,A comparative multivariate analysis of household energy requirements in Australia, Brazil, Denmark, India and Japan, Energy 31, 181-207, 2006,
  • Cohen C A M J, Lenzen M and Schaeffer R, Energy requirements of households in Brazil, Energy Policy 55, 555-562, 2003,
  • Lenzen M, Dey C J and Foran B, Energy requirements of Sydney households, Ecological Economics, 49 (3), 375-399, 2004,
  • Lenzen M and Murray S A, A modified ecological footprint method and its application to Australia, Ecological Economics 37 (2), 229-255, 2001,
  • Lenzen M and Foran B, An input-output analysis of Australian water usage, Water Policy 3 (4), 321-340, 2001,
  • Wier M, Lenzen M, Munksgaard J and Smed S, Effects of household consumption patterns on CO2 requirements, Economic Systems Research 13 (3), 259-274, 2001,
  • Lenzen M, Primary energy and greenhouse gases embodied in Australian final consumption: an input-output analysis, Energy Policy 26 (6), 495-506, 1998.